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Quantum Model of Creation

I started to create my reality from the quantum model 6 years ago. Im sharing because i want for you to create from your highest dreams too.

In order to do this, we must give up creating a reality from how we were taught to..Our gathering groups do just that. 

In one year of meditating and creating from pure possibility....

I met the man of my dreams. 6 months later....

We purchased the home of our dreams. 6 months later....

We got married on a terrace overlooking the Pacific Ocean in beautiful Maui 

We decided not to have children when it was still an option for us, and instead, looked ahead to being grandparents. 6 months later, my daughter announced she was expecting! Now we have created community, family and lots of love.

Our family has grown stronger and there are more of us now😊. Kevin and I now have a wonderful son in law, Curtis and a new granddaughter, Elliana.

I started a community gathering right after we married,which called to me from deep within, to be in service to others, to support others living from a quantum model of reality creation.

As a result of this gathering I have the privilege of meeting lots of new quality, deeply rich in spirit, loving and wise people, whom I admire and respect very much.

Deep connections, a heart filled with love, new DNA, free of disease, stronger physically then I have been in a long time at 47 years old, abundant spiritually, free and clear and rich psychologically, economically, socially, and physically, connected to nature and grounded in the Divine… I have changed my life in every way.

Even when “problems “do arise…( we are getting a new hot water heater as I write) I see that the abundance just doesn’t end. With each new challenge, Kevin and I choose a perspective that is in service of us to practice gratitude and happiness, as well as learning how to stand firm for what we believe in , and practice being courageous in the face of diversity.

We create mostly in joy, not in suffering, and see no lack in our issues...Any challenge we have is an opportunity, or an additional ( abundance thinking) way of us to get closer, and be, think and feel more creative

We create from a place of belonging, and understand that we are guided by our inherit divine nature, knowing that every moment..every moment is an opportunity to choose who we want to be in the presence of everything.

I contribute this new life to my development of an intimate relationship with god consciousness.

I have developed this relationship through meditation. A meditation where I am the source of life and allow it to flow within me, around me and through me. I am it and it is me.

Every meditation I have ever took the time to experience, has pushed me forward. Every second of every inner reflection or letting go I have done over the last 6 years has been like one more step on the greatest hike of my life. It has brought to me experiences that have been phenomenal, spiritual, jaw dropping, mind blowing, heart racing, and full of joy.

Every time I raised my vibration, entered into a higher frequency, with the alignment of a dream coupled with an elevated feeling of gratitude and the faith that that reality already existed, I have taken an invisible, energetic step on my journey to enlightenment.

The truth is we were born enlightened, and we were then conditioned to forget it.

My connection to source has always been with me. I did a lecture a couple of months ago where I had the opportunity to reflect on all of the ways I included myself in Source energy , where I was swept away to the dreaming of the divine, feeling superhuman and blissed out in a love so deep and so rich and so real, I really didn’t care if I came back to “ reality”.

 From that reflection, what I realized was profound

That those magical mystical moments are forever present tiny invisible portals of air pockets we just say yes to and then get swept up into like a vacuum. I realized this because it has been “happening” to me since I was 2 years old, dizzy in wormhole inquiry’s about why I was here, then again from 8 to 13 years old, when I was quiet at night, I had multiple experiences that words can not really describe, then again at 14 and 15, where my physical body lay still and unmovable, as god consciousness coursed through my arteries, veins, heart, mind and within and around each and every cell as I just lay there vibrating in stillness.

Then I went to sleep for a little while, forgetting the magic of what lives within and everywhere, and I did what I was taught to do while I was here…getting good grades, being a good girl, getting into a good school, being a good mom , friend, daughter, nurse, co worker…collecting cars, and houses and clothes, looking forward to my next “vacation”, the opportunity to vacate the world of responsibility and     Have-to’s, musts, should, need to’s….

At 36, I started  to remember who I really am again..a unified field of creation is in touch with the divine that is so freely available to me as it was when I was a child. And I began my re-wiring …working on forgetting the illusion of what we tell each other what “success” looks like, so that I could tap into that portal again, and get swept up into the river of  the highest frequency that is always here for me in every moment of now.

10 years later, now 47…I am so deep into living abundantly, so that I can be so present with others; develop rich relationships; be available for my own greatness, and witness yours, speak words of wisdom and kindness, receive love and kindness from others, my dogs, the trees; give love away and be with you in consciousness no matter your physical location; live a life which includes in it the significance of each and every moment, and to love abundantly, especially to those who are unaware of their energetic vibration, so that they may seek to rise to a higher level of vibration, to join the frequency of the divine and give away loving kindness to everyone they meet. our energy is contagious and literally changes the world.

We not only create our “independent” life, we create communities, countries and planets…one high vibe, one connection, one breathe at at time

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